Having an ADHD Diagnosis can bring relief in that it puts the puzzles pieces together with the struggles that you have experienced.  The diagnosis is the first part of healing and thriving. Having understanding, a roadmap and tools you actually need are the next parts of living into your life. The good news is you do not need to figure this out on your own, that often leads to more frustration and more chaos. Figuring out what you need without overwhelming you is where coaching comes in.



What is ADHD Coaching?

ADHD coaching is a resource specifically designed for you as you navigate learning to live well with ADHD. Your coach is there to walk beside you with a roadmap that leads to where you want to go. Your coach is there to help you understand and know how ADHD shows up specifically in your life. This is not a one-size-fits all approach, coaching is specifically tailored to you, for you.


Unlike counseling, coaches are not trained to treat and diagnose mental disorders. Coaches, help redirect negative thinking, ask challenging and powerful questions that reveal some of the roots to faulty belief structures and outdated ways of navigating life and relationships, provide tools that work for you that are immediately ready to be implemented into your life. All of this leads to greater resilience and increase in your mental health.


Is ADHD Coaching for me?

·      You need solutions that help you today.

·      You feel overwhelmed and out of control.

·      You are in need of greater organization, time management, goal setting.

·      What you are doing now is not working.

·      You struggle prioritizing what to do, so you freeze or distract yourself.

·      You are finding yourself distracted, unmotivated and at a loss for how to change.

·      You need something shorter term

·      You struggle with time blindness.

·      You want clarity in your life and relationships.

·      You are a curious learner.

·      You are committed to completing the assignments your coach may assign to bring change into your life.


What can I expect meeting with an ADHD coach?

·      Focus on what you can do

·      Increase self-awareness

·      Stress management

·      Change your perspective

·      Grow your self confidence

·      Understand the way your brain functions

·      Impulse control

·      Increased confidence in your strengths

·      Grow your tool belt to increase productivity, make decisions, etc.

·      Help you become proactive vs reactive

·      Understand triggers and give tools to help

·      Build a roadmap specifically for you to help you clearly get to where you want to go.

·      A decrease in stress as you are able to maintain lasting changes and embrace who you are with confidence


You do not need to navigate this alone. We understand the frustrations you have lived, the procrastination, chaos, feelings of incredible overwhelm, feeling stuck, lack of self-confidence and belief in yourself.  We all need support and guidance at different times in our lives. We believe that you were made for freedom and are here for you to live into who you were always made to be. 

Next steps:

If you are ready to connect with an ADHD Coach, we have three ways you can schedule for online counseling:

  • Call our Intake Coordinator at (425)587-7500

  • Request an appointment here

  • Schedule with our online scheduler below. You are on your way to wholeness and thriving.