Faith based Counseling
Christian counseling
Navigating the world with a Christian worldview, particularly now, is about holding the both/and. Beauty and pain, glory and loss, heartache and heart growth. We want to support you as you navigate caring well for your mental health and your spiritual health. It is important to have your counseling space be one where you can share how you are experiencing the both/and in your life and have your beliefs be nurtured and respected. Counseling should not be a place where you feel you need to have your guard up or cannot express your faith in God freely.
Faith for many has been a refuge, we want to support that for you and with you. We want to celebrate the places that are a sanctuary. The places that have fostered relationships and belonging. Everyone was created to belong, your faith is the main place that you belong and we want to grow your identity you have in Jesus. Your identity, your dignity, are irrevocable. We want to help you own who you are.
Living life within the church does not come without harm. Unfortunately, many have experienced more hurt within the walls of the church than outside. Life is messy and for many the mess took place within the church, the very place that should have been safe was toxic and harmful. Particularly in the Seattle area, church harm is large, and the fallout of that harm has been gut wrenching, confusing, identity shaking and created a greater suspicion of authority. There has been great spiritual harm done. If you have experienced church harm, we want you to know you are not alone and you do not have to heal alone.
We here at Thrive Counseling Kirkland, have counselors who are passionate about supporting and encouraging your relationship with God. Support for your relationship and compassionate care as you navigate relationships, current world stressors, face anxiety and depression. The level of Christian perspective involved in your therapy will be based on what you are needing and how you are needing your faith to be nurtured. For some that is knowing their counselor holds similar beliefs, others that is helping process how your story fits with your view of God, for others is where your view of God came from, what your faith journey has been. Having a place where your faith is nurtured creates a place of greater transformation and healing in your freedom process.
We are here to walk alongside you as you walk through heartache and transformation. Our counselors who offer Christian counseling know the pain of Good Friday and the tension of Saturday and the hope that Sunday brings. We follow a resurrected God. The resurrection doesn’t take away the pain and tension and the questions, but it does provide hope. Hope that Sunday is coming. Resurrection is coming. We can engage the hard without losing hope. We can engage the pain, the loss, the heartache as we engage the beauty, glory and growth.
If you are seeking a professional counselor that shares your Christian faith, please reach out today. Combining counseling with your faith is a compatible combination that brings deeper richness to your life and your faith.