Lifespan Integration
Lifespan Integration is a very gentle, yet powerful method that focuses on the mind-body connection to bring about healing and freedom from trauma, neglect, abuse, anxiety and depression.
You do not have to stay stuck in dysfunctional patterns and reliving traumatic events.
Through lifespan integration your past is allowed to be the past and not the present or the future.
Lifespan Integration, as its name implies, is a new therapy which integrates neural structures and firing patterns throughout the body-mind, and across the lifespan. Lifespan Integration can be used to clear trauma or to build self structure or both, depending on the history and needs of the client. Repetitions of a visual and sensory timeline are unique to all the Lifespan Integration protocols.
The most dramatic application of Lifespan Integration therapy can be seen in the clearing of past or recent traumas using the LI PTSD protocol. Even the most entrenched cases of PTSD will resolve after one or two sessions of LI. An individual who was functional and able to operate in the world prior to a traumatic event will be able to return to his normal functioning immediately after one or two sessions of LI focused on the traumatic event. Any PTSD symptoms, including nightmares, intrusions, and flashbacks related to this traumatic event, will cease. The results are stable. Quality of life continues to improve over time after the traumatic event is cleared with Lifespan Integration.
Lifespan Integration can also be used to help clients overcome the effects of early trauma and neglect. Individuals whose early needs were not met, and those whose early environments were chaotic, inconsistent, or hostile will need many more sessions of Lifespan Integration therapy than will clients who are securely attached and who functioned well prior to a traumatic incident. Individuals who experienced early trauma or neglect will benefit most from the LI protocols which build self structure, change attachment patterns, and improve regulation of emotion.
Secure attachment in humans is engendered, beginning at birth, through an interactive process between parent and child. A securely attached parent is able to meet the early attachment needs of her newborn infant. An infant who is loved and cared for will understand at a deep level that he is important, lovable and valuable. He will grow up to be a securely attached adult.
Emotion regulation is learned within the parent-infant dyad. The attuned mother holds her infant within a tolerable range of emotions. Eventually the developing child internalizes this ability. Parents who are unable to regulate their own emotions are not able to attune with and regulate the emotions of their babies. Likewise, parents who are insecurely attached will unintentionally pass their insecure attachment styles on to their children. Even a very responsible and well intentioned parent, if insecurely attached, will lack the coherence needed to bring about a solid and secure self structure in his or her child. In addition, when infants and small children experience early trauma or neglect without the support of attuned and protective caretakers, they are unable to integrate segments of their experience.
Lifespan Integration therapy can be used to help a client to build a more solid self-structure and to learn to regulate emotion. Unlike talk therapy, which involves mostly the left brain hemispheres of both client and therapist, Lifespan Integration is body based. When LI is done correctly there is an exchange of energy and information between the right brain hemispheres and body-minds of therapist and client.
After Lifespan Integration therapy, recipients find themselves spontaneously reacting to current stressors in more age appropriate ways. Individuals who begin LI therapy with memory gaps are eventually able to connect the pieces of their lives into a coherent whole. Clients who have completed Lifespan Integration therapy report that they feel better about life, are more self-accepting, and are better able to enjoy their intimate relationships.
(adapted from