Are you accepting new clients?

Yes, Please contact us for an appointment.
Call (425)587-7500

What to expect at the first appointment?

At the first appointment you will go over your paperwork with your therapist. Have the opportunity to share what has brought you into counseling, any goals you have for your time together and share about your background and personal history. This first meeting is about getting to know a little bit about one another to start the foundation of your therapeutic relationship.

What forms of payment are accepted?

Cash, Check, Debit/Credit card and HSA accounts. Payment is due at your appointment.

Telehealth appointments are Credit/Debit/HSA only

Do you accept insurance?

Most of our providers out-of-network providers for insurance. Your counselor can provide you with an invoice (superbill) that you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement. Depending on your current plan, most insurance companies reimburse for partial to full for mental health sessions.

We recommend contacting your insurance company and asking them:

Does my plan cover mental health visits?

Do I have out of network coverage?

How long are counseling sessions?


Sessions are typically 50 minutes.

Is what we talk about confidential?


Almost always. All client-therapist conversations are private and confidential. There are some exceptions (harm of self or others, abuse of elderly and children) that are required by law to breach confidentiality.

How often will we meet?


Regular weekly meetings are encouraged at the beginning of counseling to help create a strong foundation and to see consistent progress. When you meet less than weekly in the beginning the appointments become more about “checking-in” and updating rather than working towards your goals and unravelling outdated coping skills and styles of relating.

What is the difference between counseling and talking to a friend?


Talking with a counselor is different than talking to a friend in that the counselor is there to be a confidential space for you to talk about, perhaps for the first time, some of your life experiences and the way they are impacting you. Counseling is a great space to risk the more vulnerable parts of you. And there is the safety of knowing what you say in counseling is not going anywhere.

Friendships are great and we highly encourage building community to walk with you through all seasons of life. But there are some things that are too heavy or too hard to bring into friendships without first having them held by a trusted guide (your counselor).