If there was ever a time that we could all agree life is overwhelming, its likely been this last year. For some of us, just merely getting up and going can feel like a task and for others it is the buildup throughout the day. To do list: get presentable, take the kids to school (or zoom), go to work (or zoom), clean the house, cook the food, pay the bills, bathe the dogs, and for the love of all things holy DO NOT FORGET YOUR MASK - as if we needed one more thing to add. It is nearly impossible to complete the day’s list, so by tomorrow we add the new tasks on top of the things we were unable to get done today -slowly burying ourselves in unrealistic and oftentimes unnecessary expectations. Then you end the day trying to get some sleep, while consistently playing over in your head how you might have managed your time better today and what you will now have to do tomorrow. We can survive this for a day, maybe two, but eventually it compiles into this feeling of impending doom.
This transformation shifts from feeling stressed to feeling completely overwhelmed. You are not alone in this. You are not alone in having this happen and feeling like you cannot escape sinking into the quicksand that feels like your life. And you are not alone in looking for help in how to overcome this.
Remind your body what rest feels like.
We too often mistake our priorities for society’s expectation of us. It is in these moments of feeling overwhelmed that we need to take a step back and evaluate our real priorities. These priorities should align with our internal values, desires, and needs. Will the dog not survive without a bath today? Is the laundry going to cause an actual explosion of the house (not just the couch) if not folded today? Are the dishes going to grow legs and attack us because we left them in the sink, for just one night? Is it more important that you get the to-do list done than being able to take a moment to sit with your partner, friend, or child in a moment of embrace and calm before the day’s end?
Did you find connection today?
To yourself and/or others?
It is easy to interpret our feelings of being overwhelmed as something that happens because of all the things we do or need to do but sit with me for a moment and think of how it might be a result of what you do not find time to do. Did you find happiness and connection today? Did you do something you love today? Did you find time to relax today? Being overwhelmed is a sign from your body. It is an indicator that is time to find balance. Take something off the list, say no, find help, listen to your heart, and allow yourself to stop worrying for a little while. There is tomorrow to get things done, but it starts with finding happiness today.
If you are feeling overwhelmed and stuck, we would love to help you recover your joy and happiness. You do not have to figure this out on your own. Reach out today.